
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Space week day 4

This morning all three kids were tired so getting them going this morning was a challenge even after using the world McDonalds. We finally headed out to McDonalds for a pancake breakfast. All three kids of course loved it. They ran and played with the others kids they met. Each of these kids have to introduce themself and each other, including me. So after all three introductions the kids they meet usually remember their names, so the method works! Leaving our morning breakfast always lead Tp the why's, I don't want to, etc...
  When we returned we headed outside for story time. The book: our Very Own Star, the Sun. It is very informative, since J is older he could follow a little better. I decided to change the wording while reading so each kid understood. As always adding questions to the story, which I always direct at the child who is losing focus, helps each child feel apart of the story. This lead is into discussing the stars, when we see them and the constellations. Which on their terms are  groups of stars that form a picture ( easier for me to understand also!). We used black construction paper, dollar tree stars, and chalk. They all did great connecting their stars to for a picture. Then we took turns talking about our picture. This is great for all ages!

Great Thursday!

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